Hello and welcome. This blog has been created for the course "Supernatural TV" at Emerson College, spring semester 2008. Here you will find posts related to all aspects of that delicious realm where television and the supernatural intersect: media, popular culture, urban legends, tabloids, the paranormal, conspiracy theories, and all your favorite shows.
Links to articles, essays, reviews, websites, other blogs, and more will also appear here, along with original articles. Student blogs will also be featured and linked here, and students will be encouraged (okay, required) to post here and engage in commentary and discussion.
Image from Dead Channels: From Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, a 1973 made-for-TV film starring Kim Darby and Jim Hutton. Very, very scary.
There was an excellent think on Channel 4 (UK) about a decade ago, called Weird Night (on 31 October, of course), which included an excellent made-for-TV film - I forget the title, but the 'catchphrase' was "Folklore can kill." It was about an urban myth researcher who kept getting entangled in urban myths that came to life. Awesome!
Wow I would love to see that! Sounds like something Mikel Koven would be into (or maybe he was the inspiration for it!)
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