Hello students,thank you for your patience.
Your essays are graded and ready for pick up in envelopes with your names on them, in a box just nside my cubicle (9th floor Ansin Bldg). Email me if you have any questions.
Have a good weekend.
Here we explore television in all its spooky, creepy, otherworldly variety: ghosts, vampires, witches, extra-terrestrials, urban legends, paranormal occurrences, religious fanatics, talk-show zealots, peacocks, and the occasional Satan-worshipping substitute teacher.
Dead Like Me Drinking Game
(This game could use addition/revision later on for improvement)
This is a game that requires lots of different alcohols, but is sure to be a lot of fun at your next Dead Like Me viewing party.
The game begins with everyone choosing their favorite reaper as their character. Choose between George, Daisy, Mason, Roxy, or Rube. Next everyone takes a bet on how they think the victim(s) of the episode will die (try to keep these vague such as shot, hit be an object, fall off something, etc.). Now with the characters chosen and the bets made mix the following drinks and pour the following shots, and distribute them according to the contestants chosen characters:
For George:
Drink: White Russian (Vodka, Coffee liqueur, Light cream)
Shot: Vodka
For Daisy:
Drink: Blazing Fire (Ice, Vodka, Gin, Light rum, Triple sec, Pineapple juice, Grenadine)
Shot: Tequila
For Mason:
Drink: Screwdriver (Orange Juice, Lots of Vodka)
Shot: Whiskey
For Roxy:
Drink: Green Scorpion aka The Jealous Bitch (Jack Daniels, Vodka, Blue Curacao, 7-Up, Ice)
Shot: Jack Daniels
For Rube:
Drink: Mystery Beverage (have a friend mix 3 assorted shots of liquor into your favorite fruit juice or soda. [note: you dont get to decide which liquors go in the drink])
Shot: Gin
Put this aside and don't touch them till the end of the game. Now grab an additional drink of anything you want (beer, wine, mixed drinks, hard liquor - keep it alcoholic!) and start the episode.
Character drinking:
If your character does one of the following actions at any point through the episode, take a drink of your beverage:
says something incredibly cynical
reference having a sexual encounter with a movie star
comes up with a clever scheme or con job
threatens to physically harm someone
uses metaphor to explain something
In certain circumstances two people can drink at once if the following action happens during their interaction:
George/Rube: Rube calls George “peanut”
Roxy/Mason: Roxy threatens/attempt to kill Mason
Mason/Daisy: Mason hits on Daisy
Now with the episode ending the winners and losers of the bet should be determined.
If you're one of the winner: Take the shot. This shot represents your character.
If you're the loser: You have to do the shot and the finish the drink! The drink represents the way in which your character died! Make sure YOU don't die from alcohol poisoning
Here's my fourth blog, a tad bit late but better late than never.........
So this semester has been pretty awesome. We have watched some interesting shows, some awesome, some scary, some humorous and some downright SUCKY.
What I enjoyed and appreciated the most this semester was being re-introduced to Twin Peaks. I've seen most of the 1st season a few years ago, and I truly enjoyed it, but I never got around to finishing the series. The murderer of Laura Palmer was intentionally prematurely revealed to me by a malicious friend of mine (he showed me "Fire Walk With Me" before I had even started season 2. What a dick), and out of frustration I pulled the plug on watching the rest of the show. As we watched the pilot in class, I remembered the quirky little details and brilliant character traits which impressed me so in the first place. This resulted in me going to Newbury comics and spending 80 bucks I don't have on the deluxe Twin Peaks Golden Box Set. I spent a whole weekend in my pajamas, drapes pulled shut, phone turned off, and had a red wine and pizza date with the dreamy Agent Dale Cooper.
This show is fantastic. It goes from lightly eccentric, humorous events to downright terrifying circumstances that seem to have leaped from the depths of hell. I'm not one who gets easily scared, but after BOB magically appeared in the Palmer household and ravenously climbed over furniture to attack cousin Maddy, I spent the night on the phone with my boyfriend until I fell asleep from the Tylenol PM I took to weaken my terrified BOB anxiety.
In terms of the supernatural, BOB is the strongest supernatural element in the series. The show overall is very surreal and peculiar, but nothing is as directly linked to the paranormal/supernatural as BOB (and MIKE, who is essentially the same exact aspect that BOB is). Mark Frost said the inspiration for BOB was inspired by native American mythology, but never confirmed that BOB actually was a ghost/spirit. Lynch and Frost kept to ambiguity when it came to explaining all sorts of aspects of the show.
Due to lack of confirmation, it is sometimes questionable if one could even consider Twin Peaks to be a supernatural show, after researching the subject I found some interesting opinions of the phenomenon that is BOB:
"Some who reject supernatural explanations believe BOB may
be/have been a figment of Laura's or Leland's imagination (a
means of psychologically dealing with the trauma of incest
and adultery), or an alternate personality of Leland. The
caustic FBI agent Albert Rosenfield suggests that BOB is
simply "the evil that men do". The fact that so many TP
characters experience these spirits make such
rationalizations hard to logically support. Events in the
series following Leland's death (the Windom Earle arc) and
in FWWM also continue the supernatural themes."
BOB, played by Frank Silva, was actually a carpenter on the set. He accidentally appeared in a mirror on the wall while they were shooting a scene, and Lynch decided to keep it in because he liked Silva’s look. They eventually created BOB’s character from that moment, adding Silva to the cast. Talk about luck!
Overall, BOB is one scary mother*cker, regardless if he is a spirit or a psychological result.
Alright, here we go
It took me a while to come up with something clever because I am a little scared of this concept. The last time I played a television drinking game my friend got alcohol poisoning, and I blame myself because the game was my idea: we watched Jackass and took a shot of rum every time someone got hurt.
Sooooo…….. I was thinking, while watching Lost, chug a beer every time you feel confused, but that’s too easy/deadly. Then I started narrowing down the possibilities of reoccurring Lost aspects. In terms of frequency, the type of alcohol varies.
Types of alcohol:
Beer, wine, whiskey, tequila, vodka, sake, Malibu.
Before the game starts, pour one shot of each alcohol and one entire beer into a giant mug. Also, one person is appointed the task of noting down every character that has a speaking part in the episode. The “rescuers” that just arrived on the island don’t count, because I haven’t memorized their names yet.
The game starts:
-Every time there is a flashback/flashforward: one can of Natty Light (or Coors Light if you’re a pansy) before the flashback/flashforward is over.
-When Sawyer says “freckles” take a shot of Southern Comfort
-When Hugo says “dude” take a HALF shot of tequila
-When Jack gives the stare down with vibrating eyeballs drink a screwdriver and develop daddy issues
-Snort a crushed up adderal whenever Ben’s daughter Alex rebels against him, boarding school-style
-When Jin speaks surprisingly good “broken” English, couple tiny swigs of sake
-When Claire mentions Charlie (this past season) drink two DIESEL malibu-and-cokes ( because she seems to have forgotten about him?).
-When Locke is on screen drink water, for survival
-When Juliette speaks you’re granted a 30 minute pass out because her voice is soooo soooothiiing. That also gives you the opportunity to think about her sweet rack and lezzing out with Angelina in “Gia”
-When Kate looks hot don’t do anything, just stare
-When Desmond says “brotha”, drink a sip of Christ’s blood (Yellowtail cabernet)
-When Sun is in her garden using her green thumb, do a hit off a small bowl (no water bongs or gravity hits people, we have to stay focused)
Now when the episode is over, everyone in the room has to name each character that said at least one sentence throughout the entire episode. The person who forgets the most characters, has to chug the alcohol concoction in the mug, and clean up the room when everyone passes out.
Alright, alright, this may very well get me disqualified since we haven’t watched the show in class yet, but seeing as how I’m not versed well enough in any of the shows to write a game for them, "The X Files" is the only one, but I haven’t watched that regularly in about 10 years, I figured I would do this.
I hope I get extra points for the fact that I was actually drinking while coming up with this game.
I’m assuming everyone is going to begin watching at the very start of the series, and then watch every single episode in a row. If you’re not dead at the end of this drinking game, you win.
Drink for the entire time the word “lost” is displayed on the screen.
Take a shot if someone says “don’t tell me what I can’t do”.
Take a bong rip whenever Claire screams, if she screams “my baby” or any variation thereof, follow the bong rip with a swig of beer before you exhale.
Chug a beer if jack seems to randomly know someone from the past for some reason (ex, when he first sees Desmond in the hatch and he’s all “you” and you can just imagine everyone else thinking “we’re stranded on a fucking deserted island and this motherfucker runs into someone he knows?”)
And finally, if you’ve followed all these instructions and at the end of a few episodes you aren’t confused enough to actually feel like you’re lost on an island, pat yourself on the back and get some goddamn sleep you crazy party animal asshole.
The game is played similar to "Kings" for those of you who know the game. What's different is the deck and how you draw. This game will be played with a deck of tarot cards, not a regular deck. There are "reasons to draw" which are cues from the show (listed below). Once you draw you do as the directions say according to what card is drawn (listed below). Drawing is done in a round robin fashion and it is suggested that it's played with beer.
Reasons to draw cards:
Anytime tarot cards are seen (excluding the credits), the next three people draw a card.
Every time Samson says “Shake some Dust” or calls the crew “Children”
Every time Samson is seen going into management.
Every time there is a close up of management curtain
Every time Jonesy mentions baseball
Every time there is nudity
Every time Sofie ‘talks’ to her mother
Every time Apollonia (Sofie’s mother) effects the world around her.
Every time Gabriel breaks up a fight.
Every time Ben uses his powers
Every time Ben resists using his powers,
Every time brother Justin controls someone
Every time brother Justin’s eyes turn black.
Every time Ruthie is seen with a snake.
Every time Iris does something ‘evil.’
Every time Justin acts incestual
Every time someone sees something that isn’t there.
Every time Lodz drinks Absinthe.
Every time Lila (the bearded woman) says something sexual.
Every time a tent is put up or taken down.
Every time we see the tattooed man.
Every time someone says “Every prophet in their house.”
Every time the song “Love me or leave me” plays.
Every time Henry Scudder is mentioned.
Every time Stumpy pitches the cootch show.
Every time someone mentions Babylon.
Lesser Arcana:
Cups, you refill your cup.
Wands, choose a person to drink,
Swords: No-one drinks
Pentacles: You drink.
Major Arcana:
O: The Fool: Everyone drinks as long as they can.
I: Magician: Choose one male to drink.
II: The High Priestess: Chose a female to drink.
III: The Empress: All the women have to drink!
IV: The Emperor: All the men have to drink!
V: The Heirophant: The drawer of this card chooses someone to partner with. Whenever one of you has to drink, so does the other.
VI: The Lovers: Anyone who is in a romantic relationship drinks.
VII: Chariot: You and the people to either side of you have to drink.
VIII: Strength: Challenge someone to drink! Try to drink them under the table.
IX: The Hermit: You drink…alone.
X: Wheel of Fortune: Spin a bottle. Whomever is pointed finishes their cup.
XI: Justice: Get out of Jail free card.
XII: The Hanged Man: Guess what kind of card the next card will be (swords, wands, major arcane). If the guess is right, everyone else has to chug. If wrong, guesser has to drink.
XIII: Death: Finish whatever is in your cup.
XIV: Temperance: Everyone refills their cups.
XV: The Devil: Everyone but you has to drink.
XVI: Everyone on your half of the table drinks.
XVII: The Star: Everyone has to drink. Last person to start has to finish their cup.
XVIII: The Moon: Person across from you has to drink.
XIX: The Sun: Everyone throws their hands into the air. Last person has to chug.
XX: Judgment: The person who draws this card chugs, and everyone has to chug as long as the drawer does.
XXI: The World: First person starts drinking, next person follows…can’t stop until the last person who starts stops.