Here's the Twilight Zone Drinking Game:
Take a sip:
-every time someone gives an insane laugh
-every time space travel is involved.
-every time space travelers disembark from an alien world
-2 sips if they're wearing space suits
-3 sips if they actually wear helmets.
Take a big gulp:
-every time the episode's protagonist dies.
- 2 gulps if it turns out they have been dead the whole episode
- 3 gulps if they turn out to be in Hell.
-every time the host appears as a character.
-every time a robot appears.
-every time a woman screams enough to break your speakers.
-every time you get totally lost in the plot line.
-take 2 sips every time an immortal/ageless character is involved.
-4 sips if it's a mytholigical/religious character such as satan or death
-take 6 sips if they die.
-take a gulp every time someone is paranoid about aliens
-take 2 gulps if the aliens are real
-3 gulps if the suspicions of malicious aliens were correct
-if the aliens DON'T win, finish your beer immediately
-take a drink if Nuclear War starts and destroys the world
-take 2 if it already had at the beginning of the episode
-if the world ISN'T destroyed chug your beer and empty it.
-take a gulp every time someone thinks the protagonist is insane.
-take 2 gulps if he really is.
-take a gulp every time paranoia tears 2 or more people apart.
-take 2 if they kill each other
-Chug your beer if they DON'T
and last but not least, empty a six pack if the episode has a happy ending.
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