Monday, February 11, 2008

Lost Mysteries

So, I figured I would talk about Lost because I am kind of a fanatic. There are so many theories and wonders to the show you just want to talk about it. I won't give this season's spoilers away - but I wanted to touch on some of the major supernatural elements of the show. I haven't seen seasons 1-3 in quite a while but I will try to explain what you need to know in order to understand the events. The links in the post are to youtube videos if you don't know what I am talking about and have any interest in seeing/ learning more about Lost.

I first wanted to mention the
Black Smoke monster that we still have no idea about. The Character Eko seemed to have a connection to this monster, perhaps even an understanding with it. In the video, however this is one of the encounters that Eko has with it and it destroys him. The smoke has a life of its own, like it is thinking. It feels and acts on the feelings. When ever it is in an episode it isn't for a long period of time and usually has a huge impact. It is a strong force, it is said that the island itself might be controlling this force. Something fishy is going on, and it is definitely supernatural.

I also wanted to mention the
House of Jacob. This strange place is where Ben brings Locke. It's a random house in the middle of the island where a great force, maybe even the heart of the island (kill this land and kill the island?) is located. This plot of land is surrounded by a circle of rocks which probably contains most of the power. I think this house is the key to understanding the island. We haven't seen it appear very much. And the spirit that lives inside the house, Jacob, we still have no idea what all that is about. This was probably the most exciting episode to date. I think there really are supernatural happenings on this island, and I think Locke's character understands it best and connects with it best. Locke is "one with the island".

Those are the two main questions that haven't really been touched upon in the show. I mean there are many other questions that have no answer like
-Who is Walt and why is he special. He obviously has some sort of power.
-Who are the Others and the traders? Do they have supernatural powers? (One guy just hasn't aged at all from what we have seen.)
-what do the numbers have to do with anything, really? 4 8 15 16 23 42... they are used for evil, but why do they matter so much.
-The polar bears and the black horse appearing randomly.
-Dharma Initiative and the Orientation Films.
-The Statue with no toes

All of these things have driven us fans crazy. Lost is a show I love to hate. Every episode makes me hate the show because I have to wait another week before I can see the next episode. There is hardly ever anything answered- and if there is then 5 million more questions are asked. I am sure I am missing a lot because the show is so complex and could be analyzed from so many angles everything could be read as something else. If you have more comments please add!

Watch Lost is what it all comes down to.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Did you the screen shot of the window of Jacob's house in the season premiere? It's Christian Shephard!!

Interesting that the name Jacob is one of many Biblical references on the show...

-"Jacob had twelve sons, the youngest of whom was named Benjamin"
-"Jacob is a great-great-grandfather of Aaron"
-"Jacob is the first person in the Bible to refer to God as a shepherd"

.....Christian Shepherd!!!!! Lost is the best.