After reading the article in class and seeing the pilot episode on Tuesday, I was reminded of the reasons why I enjoyed the X-files. It was not for the really impressive story lines, or the chracters that made you want to follow there adventures into the unknown. I realized the main reason why I liked the X-files so much was when I was a small child it used to terrify me, and to this day certain epsidoes still give me the creeps.
I also realized that the majority of the shows that frightened me so much had nothing to do with aliens, demons, or general supernatural beings or occurences. What really frightened me was the episodes that revolved around real people doing terrible things, or the graphic realistic gore showed. There are 3 episodes that come to my mind that always gave me the heebie jeebies.
The first one "Fire" way back in season one, where an assassin with pyrokinetic abilites takes out Brittish dignitaries in front of their families, burning them alive. The one scene that frightend me the most was when he was trying to burn the children alive, and Mulder had to save them. So the assassin sets the entire hallway on fire in a amazing use of Special Effects. I remember that scene so graphically with the kids screaming that I had nightmares of killers who would set me on fire.
We talked about in class how one of the reasons why The X-files was so good was its clinical depiction and graphic portrayal of violence and gore which brings me to my next scariest episode "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose". Mulder and Scully must go to various psychics to try to solve a murder spree. To me the episode itself was not too scary it was one actual moment in one scene. Clyde just trying to help his neighbor looks at her little dog. He then gets a flash and we see a shot of the same little dog graphically eating the womans intestines. The shot is less then 5 seconds but it was so graphic and disturbing, that to this day I can't watch this episode with out getting creeped out.
The last one that freaks me out is one we actually talked about in class, "Home". Home terrified me so much I couldn't watch it all the way through. I remember my brother told me not to watch this episode but I snuck back into his room to watch it anyway. The episode was so scary that when it got to the part where Mulder and Scully unrolls the full amputee mother on the cart she starts to scream, then I started screaming and ran out of the room and could not get to sleep. Besides the gruesome sight, what just terrified me after thinking about it was this was not aliens, or creatures these were people twisted twisted people and I knew that is scarier then any monster that could get me.
X-files is loved for so many reasons, but for me its because that even after all of these years it still sends shivers down my spine.
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