So as of recently in class we have taken it upon ourselves to discuss everyone’s favorite topic…the end of the world, the apocalypse, the piece de résistance of our own mortality. Daunting yes, scary, oh yes, but dreadfully entertaining none the less.
What better story line for a show than the impending and inevitable end to our world and humanity’s constant efforts to stop it. Shows have done this for years. Specifically in class these past few weeks we have gone through 2. Millennium and their apocalyptic Y2K ending and the X-Files with their unstoppable aliens.
I can’t say that I was a huge fan of these programs during their run, however after watching my first few episodes of the X-files I’m change my tune on the sci-fi classic but Millennium is a just seems like such a downer and….wait what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the whole end of the world thing. After all this talk of Nostradamus and the impending 4 horsemen I figured I would try and relate this to something in modern times that I can relate to. And that something was the fan favorite “Lost” a show who’s MO is blowing peoples minds week to week.
Now Lost isn’t exactly a show that lays everything out there for it’s audience, you gotta look in the back corners and search the internet for info. Finally after a little digging I found Enzo Valenzetti, a fictionalized Mathematician who “Anecdotal reports indicate that Valenzetti, at the request of the United Nations, devised a complicated algorithm capable of predicting the exact date of the extinction of the human race.”
Leave it to lost to make the weirdest and most in depth side story line that gets maybe 8 seconds of air time a season.
Through his formula he came up with the numbers 4:8:15:16:23:42, in which some how represent the exact end of the human race. Any fan of lost knows the importance of these numbers. For one, they are Hurley’s winning lotto numbers, which after winning he is surrounded by death and destruction. But most notably the numbers served purpose in the hatch a place where Desmond would enter the numbers into a computer every 108 minutes so he could do what class? That’s right! Stop the world from ending! The numbers even appear written in invisible ink map on a door within the Hatch itself (Translated Version of the Map on the door) and seen on the elusive Dharma training videos, and in the secret HANSO Tapings.
Check this youtube video, if you're a fan and you haven't seen it get on it.
Some people suppose that the purpose of the Dharma initiative is to find away to prevent this Valenzetti equation, possibly saving humanity. Who knows really, I guess we will all have to wait and see. Damn this Lost universe for making the end of humanity so in depth and weird……but oh so cool.
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