Three sisters all with magical powers, what should they do? Save the world perhaps. What makes them different from other good witches is the fact that they hold the power of three. This is the greatest power and only these three sisters have it to fight demons and make the world a safe place. These sisters Prue, Piper and Phoebe are descendents from a magical family tree. There is history of magic through the female line. At the beginning of the series Charmed these three sisters find out they are magical so they begin the long journey of fighting demons and risking their lives on a daily basis. All the women in the family seem to have trouble with guys from demons to angels/whitelighters whom they aren’t allowed to be with, no one ever seems truly happy. This hardly seems to be the problem, since Phoebe marries the Source of all Evil, but at the end of season three Prue dies. Prue, the oldest of the three sisters, dies and the Power of Three dies with it leaving no story. What’s that all about? Whether you watch the show or not, you know its bad when they kill a main character that drives the show every week. For example, no one likes the second guy who played Darren on Bewitched. 
They bring a new “charmed” one to the show, Paige. She is supposedly a secret child that was given up at birth but qualifies to be next in line to the Power of Three. I totally don’t buy this, and hate her character from the start along with many other people who was watching the show at the time. Everyone liked Prue and wanted her back basically. So, Paige was the secret child Patty, their mother, had from the love affair she had with her Whitelighter. All the fans were mad; I’m guessing a good percent of viewers stopped watching after Prue died. I wasn’t so quick to give up on the show. I love the weekly kills and mythological creatures that came around. The Book of Shadows grew over the years and so did Paige’s character.
Since they brought her into the picture her character was very personable and interesting. While we all love Prue, I do think Paige was able to live up to the job. I mean she did last 4 years which is more than half the run of the series. I was reading some Prue vs. Paige forums and it was definitely clear that people, overtime, enjoyed Paige’s character more than Prue’s. Both had similar powers but Paige was half Whitelighter. Paige was the better asset and all was forgiven for the death of Prue. I still don’t like how they “mended” the Power of Three, but you gotta keep the show going somehow.
They bring a new “charmed” one to the show, Paige. She is supposedly a secret child that was given up at birth but qualifies to be next in line to the Power of Three. I totally don’t buy this, and hate her character from the start along with many other people who was watching the show at the time. Everyone liked Prue and wanted her back basically. So, Paige was the secret child Patty, their mother, had from the love affair she had with her Whitelighter. All the fans were mad; I’m guessing a good percent of viewers stopped watching after Prue died. I wasn’t so quick to give up on the show. I love the weekly kills and mythological creatures that came around. The Book of Shadows grew over the years and so did Paige’s character.
Since they brought her into the picture her character was very personable and interesting. While we all love Prue, I do think Paige was able to live up to the job. I mean she did last 4 years which is more than half the run of the series. I was reading some Prue vs. Paige forums and it was definitely clear that people, overtime, enjoyed Paige’s character more than Prue’s. Both had similar powers but Paige was half Whitelighter. Paige was the better asset and all was forgiven for the death of Prue. I still don’t like how they “mended” the Power of Three, but you gotta keep the show going somehow.
"I was reading some Prue vs. Paige forums and it was definitely clear that people, overtime, enjoyed Paige’s character more than Prue’s."
How many forums did you read?
i for one loved Prue and Piper. the show was so diff without prue, but i still watched..even tho piper's child should have been a girl!! Prue was strong and smart, tho her intelligence was put on the back burner in my opinion. piper was a chef and homebody at heart and i'm glad that in the finale they showed her going back to her roots.
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